Friday, January 24, 2014

How to Stay “Young and Beautiful” For Women? [Health Series]

Stay Young & Beautiful

Firstly, we will talk about women and then in the another writing we will talk about men. 
I believe that both writing is very good to be read by both men or women since we discuss it from men and women's point of view.

Disclaimer: Eventhough the writer is a man, the writer is trying to his best to share his knowledge and experience in this writing. Enjoy! ^^


Most of the knowledge in this writing is given by this really informative and awesome book:
Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice: Hormonal Balance - The Key to Life, Love and Energy 

The Main Idea:

One of the good way for women to stay young and beautiful are to give and receive love.

When women give love to and help others, their level of oxytocin hormone will raise up. Oxytocin is really a great hormone for women. These are the benefits of Oxytocin for a woman: [1]
  1. Oxytocin makes a woman feels happier
  2. Oxytocin helps a woman stays young  (Every woman wants to stay young, right? lol)
  3. Oxytocin helps a woman in shape or slim (@women: Yes, it’s true that you can stay in shape.)  
We need to know that receiving love is very important in women (@women: Agree, right?). Receiving love can increase women’s oxytocin level too. One of the way for the women to receive love is to be loved and feel special. [2]

What To Do?

So, what you (women) can do to yourself  to increase your oxytocin level to stay young and beautiful? (Here are just a few of examples)
1.       Gather with some other women friends and have a chat.
2.       If  you have a garden, go gardening. It’s really a good idea.
3.       Go shopping {even if you (woman) don't buy anything, it will still increase your oxytocin.}

So, what you (men) can do to women to increase her oxytocin level? These are some examples:
(This is the part that she will receive love)
1.       Just listen to her when she speaks especially about her challenges. She just need a man who listen. She doesn’t need a solution for her challenges. You (man) may give a solution when and only when she asks for it

2.       Give her flower(s).

It is a guarantee that when you give flower(s) to a woman, her oxytocin level will raise up. Here some common question regarding to this:
a.       Is it better to give her a real or plastic flower?
                                                                         Yeah, it is true that real flower will be withered after 3-5 days. However, that’s the good thing. You (man) have the cause to give her more flower. J

b.      Is it better to give her a bouquet of flower or just a stalk of flower?
                                                                         Up to you (man), a stalk of flower will do. If you want to give a bouquet of flower is okay. Because actually what’s more important for women is the meaning not the price of the gift.

Interestingly enough if you give a woman a stalk of flower, you will score +1 on her.  Moreover if  you give a woman a bouquet of flower, you will still score +1 on her too. Thus in giving a gift, frequency of the gift is more important than intensity of the gift for women.[2]

3.       If you already have a family and children when you come back from your work, hug/kiss your wife first and then your children. It makes a BIG difference.

Please, share some of your thoughts and feedbacks in the comment J Thank you. Hope this short article will be very useful for you.
Later we will discuss "How to Stay Young & Strong For Men". (Still in the making :) )


Albert ^^



  1. Well, after reading this, I ll certainly let my wife (in the future) to do some chit chat with neighbours or colleagues, get a garden behind the house, and accompany her shopping whenever she wants. Oh oh, not to forget to give her something everyday...It says, frequency over the amplitude :)

    1. Cool. Thank you for the words, Diponegoro Yudho :)
      Yeah. Frequency over the Amplitude. f >A lol
